Himalayan Bellflower
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Himalayan Bellflower
ative Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Himalayan Bellflower, Purple Bellflower • Nepali: गानॊबूटी Gaanobuti, नेपाली विख Nepali bikh
Botanical name: Campanula pallida    Family: Campanulaceae (Bell flower family)
Synonyms: Campanula colorata, Campanula himalayensis, Campanula hoffmeisteri, Campanula ramulosa

Himalayan Bellflower is a beautiful wildflower, commonly found in the Himalayas, at lower altitudes. It is a much branched hairy-stemmed plant, about 15-60 cm tall, bearing lax clusters of small purple to light purple flowers. Flowers are bell-shaped, hairy, 8-15 mm long, lobed to less than half their length. Sepals are lance-shaped to triangular, 4-6 mm long, hairy. The sepals spread outwards. Leaves are stalkless, narrow-elliptic, softly hairy, with toothed margin, about 2.5 cm long. Himalayan Bellflower is a very common flowers of the Himalayas, found at altitudes of 1000-4500 m. Flowering: April-October.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed on Govindghat-Ghanghria route and in Dhanaulti, Uttarakhand.

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